The deploy success webhook allows you to notify us of a successful deployment to trigger a run.

<aside> ⚠️ We highly recommend using either our if you are using GitHub Actions or our JavaScript SDK attemptNotifySuccess function directly. See @qawolf/ci-sdk


Post to /api/webhooks/deploy_success Webhook


Sample Query

curl -X POST -H "Authorization: Bearer <ApiKey>" \\
     -H "Content-Type: application/json" \\
     "<>" \\
     -d '{"branch": "<BranchName>", "deployment_type": "staging", "commit_url": "<URL>", "sha": "de12adda500f2bc5a29dbd89f4fb1b0e1a31de81"}'

<aside> ℹ️ This command is for illustration purposes. We don’t recommend “curling” without inspecting the result as not all 200 responses imply a successful run trigger. We recommend using the SDK for that purpose as it does the interpretation work for you!


Required Request Headers

Header Name Header Value Description
Authorization Bearer api_*** Provide a string constructed by appending your team API Key to Bearer .
Content-Type application/json

JSON-formatted Request Body

This POST request supports a JSON-formatted object with the below fields. All fields are optional.

Commonly Used Fields

Field Value Description
branch Git branch name If a Git commit triggered this request, send us the relevant branch name so that we can display it in the UI and find any pull requests on the GitHub repo linked to any triggers that match.
deployment_type Arbitrary string setup in triggers. This field must be provided if the target trigger requires matching a deployment type.
deployment_url URL If you send this, it will be available in your tests as process.env.URL for any runs created by this deployment notification.
sha Commit sha If a Git commit triggered this request, send us the commit SHA so that we can create GitHub commit checks if you have a GitHub repo linked to any triggers that match. We also use this to display a link to the commit in the run UI.

Advanced Fields

Field Value Description
variables Dictionary of key/values A dictionary of environment variable names/values that will override any variables from the associated environment in every run that your notification triggers.
commit_url URL If your deployment triggers do not specify a hosting service repo, pass this URL along with sha to ensure that the commit ID will be a clickable link everywhere in the QA Wolf UI and notifications.
deduplication_key Arbitrary string By default, any new run will cancel ongoing runs which have the same branch (see field above) / environment (determined by the trigger) combination. If only environment is available, cancelation will occur for runs in the same environment. You can customize this behavior by providing a custom key. All new runs that start as a result of this notification will auto-cancel all previous runs with the same key that are not yet finished.
hosting_service GitHub GitLab

<aside> ℹ️ Passing commit_url will display a link to the commit at the top right of the run page, and anywhere else the commit ID appears.



Choosing Fields Based on Your Setup

<aside> ⚠️ Please note that these are meant to be triggered by your main environment, per the contract with QA Wolf. If you need additional environment support, please reach out to our team. There are both technical and account implications for secondary environments that are not fully covered in this document.


<aside> ℹ️ Use deployment_url to point to the appropriate deployment (especially if it is dynamic for the setup environment associated with the trigger).


<aside> ℹ️ deployment_type may be required if it was configured in your trigger


With GitHub/GitLab app installed